Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Here's Johnny!

No actually its me! I'm back, and I'm bad too!

Sorry to all my hardened readers for my absence. What have I been doing - alot but then again not much at all.

Over the last 5 weeks I've been doing:

  • The Step Up Event - Over 600 teenangers and 70 coaches plus about a group of 20 volunteers all crammed into the Brisbane City Hall. IMGP6246
  • This was followed the next week with the Step Up debrief and celebration
  • I told someone who I've known as a friend for a while now that I really missed her after not seeing her for a couple weeks. I wanted more than to see her every now and then. I wanted more than pleasant conversations on the phone. I wanted more than to suggest things she could do in her life. It took her a while to go from seeing me as a friend she loves to a lover she digs, and now it feels pretty relaxed and comfortable plus very exciting; I know it was the right thing to do. More on this when she'll let me do a media release!
  • I've spent a week in Canberra and Sydney with my mum who had a bad stroke in August 2004. She is now living in Canberra and I took her to see her Sydney house she hasn't been at since before her accident. I organised dinners with her friends from Sydney, and I also met my friends from Uni and Work. I have photos though are yet to sort them out and put them up. I aim to do that soon and will write about events then.
  • I've joined a group initially called D3 (December 3 2005 was the inaugural "Walk Against Warming") and now renamed to Climate Action Brisbane (CAB). I'm coordinating creating Web Site, Blog and Photo site for them and will provide more details here when this has been all worked out. I'm of course also involved in the meetings we have fortnightly and we hope to create some significant, interesting and hopefully entertaining events. Our purpose is to help raise people's awareness about the dire situation our World is going to experience in the face of the effects of Global Warming. Essentially, we've been given the message but are ignoring it. Why? Because money clouds people's vision.
  • I started dancing Swing again at Carina Bowls Club, Brisbane (Australia) on Thursday nights. I've also been asked to attend events with CAB and a Satsang Meditation group I've been with once, and of course, Step Up meetings, all on Thursday. Thursdays are so busy. Of course I want to do it all. I'd like to discuss the dancing I do sometime.
  • Ohh, and I have a new member in my team at work. He's an experienced Software Analyst, Designer and Java developer and my work load has finally decreased to a reasonable level! Now I can concentrate on all the other things I am trying to do <phew/>.

So stay tuned and I'll put up Blog entries about these events and link to any photos.

Keep truckin' kiddies!

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